Borderlands Pre-Sequel New DLC

The next DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, has been announced. Lady Hammerlock the Baroness, will let you play as the new toon, Lady Hammerlock. Of course that name should sound familiar, she's the mean older sister of Sir Hammerlock.

Her skill trees are Huntress, Cold Money and Contractual Aristocracy. Huntress is all about her sniping skills. Cold Money is about cryo damage. Contractual Aristocracy seems to be more about multiplayer, where you turn your friend into a servant, each of you giving each other bonuses.

This DLC is part of the season pass if you have it, if you don't it's gonna cost you $9.99 and will be able to download on January 27. I wasn't a huge fan of the Pre-Sequel, and don't have any of the other DLC.  A hint was made about a Borderlands 3, so fingers crossed that will be good.


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