Agent Carter First Impressions

The other night the first two episodes of Agent Carter premiered. The story takes place a couple year after the Captain America movie. Agent Carter is stuck in a desk job where she is treated more like a glorified secretary than super spy that she is.

I enjoyed the story a lot! I thought the pace was good considering that they had to reintroduce Agent Carter along with the rest of the cast. You can't exactly dive right in. I thought all the costumes, sets, even the music was amazing and fit perfectly for the time period. The acting was well done I didn't feel like anybody was treating it like they were in some kind of hokey comic book T.V. show.

A lot of people seemed to think the show was slow, but like I said before I always expect first episodes to be a little slower than the regular show will be, simply because they have to set everything up for the rest of the series, but I didn't think this one was very slow at all. I thought the second episodes moved a lot faster than the first one did and think that the rest of the series will continue to move along at a good pace.

I know this is only going to be a mini series but I really enjoyed it and can't wait to see how the rest turns out.


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