Elder Scrolls Online drops subs!

As if nobody saw this one coming, Bethesda has announced that The Elder Scrolls Online will be dropping it's subscription fees. The game from that point will be called The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel Unlimited.  It's not going to be completely free to play though, you're going to still have to buy the actual game. Buying the game will give you open access to all the already released content. 

For those that are hardcore fans and have an urge to pay a sub you'll still be able to. The subs will be for 30, 90, 180 day durations which will give access to all the game-packs that have "optional content." Once the sub fee runs out you wont be able to access to content anymore. You'll also get "character progression bonuses, and crowns (an in-game currency).

Bethesda has said they will give out more information on January 21 on their Twitch stream. Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is set to launch March 17.


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