Baldur's Gate, Bioshock News!

So where we go, what do you want first. The good news or the bad news? Oh what the heck lets start down and work our way up. After all it's always better to end on a happy note.

Bioshock Infinite, the game we have been waiting for what seems like years has been pushed back yet again. This time it's been pushed back to March 26, 2013.  Ken Levine, the creative director told IGN this time it's been put back for "primarily polish and bug fixing." He also said that they could have shipped the game the game this February but it just wasn't what the fans deserve. At this point I think they may be building this game up for nothing but a failure. I know I've been looking forward to the game for awhile now and when I keep hearing about all the polish they are putting on, I'm expecting one darn good game. It's going to have a lot to live up to.

Now for the good news. Another game that's been pushed back a couple time now has finally reached the Itunes store. Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition has is finally out. The current ranking is  5 out of 5 and once I've had a chance to play, I'll be writing my own review. Right now it's going for $9.99.


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