More Diablo PvP delays.

Hey everybody, hope you had a great Christmas or what ever you celebrate.

For those of us who have been waiting for the PvP content for Diablo 3, we're in for surprise... OK not so much. They've pushed it back......... again.
PvP was part of the content that was supposed to come with the launch of Diablo 3, but Blizzard said it came with too many bugs and they didn't want to give the consumer something that isn't any good. I can go for that, I don't want to play something that doesn't work. Now however the PvP has been pushed back again because of a lack of depth.

Game director Jay Wilson posted on the Diablo 3 site that "team deathmatch has been indefinitely tabled."

"For us it comes to a few issues, one of which is depth.  Simply fighting each other with no other objectives or choices to make gets old relatively quickly.  We've brought a lot of people in to try out Team Deathmatch and, while some found it entertaining, most of our testers didn't feel like it was something they'd want to do beyond a few hours."

A dueling mode is going to be added soon however. Trying to give us PvP fans a little something to hold on to. I was really looking forward to some good PvP but as it seems we are just going to have wait for who knows how long I guess we're just stuck with dueling... when ever that comes out. 


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