Borderlands 2, The Legend Continues

Gearbox has done a great job so far giving us new content for Borderlands 2 with their third DLC, Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt on it's way. With the super popularity of the last 2k has said that it wants  to keep supporting more new content to keep the fans happy.  2K has also confirmed that they will be raising the level cap from 50 in the beginning of the first quarter of next year.

Past DLC have included Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, the Mechromancer pack, Creature Slaughterdome, and Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's booty. All of which are available on Steam and worth picking up. At least I've enjoyed them a ton. The Mechromancer being my favorite character so far. I'm looking forward to any other new character classes they might think up.


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