Darksiders 2 new DLC

Tomorrow Xbox 360, PS3, and PC will get the next download for Darksiders 2. It's going to cost $10 or 800 microsoft points.  If you purchased the season pass you can pick it up for free.  For all of you with the Wii U, I have no clue if it's going to show up for you at all.

This is going to be the third DLC for Darksiders 2. The first being Argul's Tomb, second being Abyssal Forge.  So what's it about? Well if you don't want to know stop reading, right about... now.

OK so for those of you that decided to keep reading, good job. So THQ has let out that this expansion will be about how rumors have surfaced that all of humanity might not have been killed so Death is sent to earth to find out the truth where he finds a new evil, Belial.


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