New Tomb Raider News!

I'm a Tomb Raider fan from way back when. So when I heard they were rebooting the series I got kinda worried. But after watching all the new vids online and seeing the screen shots I can't wait to dive back into Laura Crofts world.

One thing that's been floating around the net is the question will Tomb Raider have multiplayer? Well we finally know. Today Crystal Dynamics Global Brand Director Karl Stewart Twitted "Ok, So after all the speculation..yes it's true. out @oxm for all the info on @tombraider's new multiplayer."

I'm not exactly sure how a multiplayer option is going to work for a game like Tomb Raider, but it's no good to start judging things before we get a chance to play. The rest of the game, from what we've seen so far looks amazing.


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