Batman The Dark Knight Rises Review

So Batman The Dark Knight Rises is out on blue-ray for everybody so I thought I would give it a review. First of all I'm a Batman fan. I've seen the all the movies, I've read the comics and played the games. So maybe I have a bias, keep that in mind when reading the rest of the review.

To be honest I can't believe that anybody liked this movie. While the acting and action was good the plot was crap. It had holes in it you could drive a batmobile threw. Characters that we have all grown to know and love threw the ages acted in ways that not only were out of character but were down right frustrating. I don't want to say exactly what happened not just keep the spoilers away for those masochists that still want to see the movie,  but to save the rest of you the suffering I had to endure. I've never been to a movie that actually wanted to leave in the middle of but I guess their is a first time for everything. Do yourself a favor and skip this movie.


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