WoW 5.2 PTR Notes!

WoW addicts rejoice! has published 5.2 patch notes that are up on the public test realm. So what can we get excited for? Well i'm not going to list everything if you want to know a full list go here. Some of the neater stuff I noticed goes as follows.

First a new raid will be opening up, Throne of Thunder. Also rogues will get 3 new abilities, along with monks getting two more. Their will be 3 more mounts to collect along with another 3 more companions. Heirloom gear will now be good until level 85, although I think heirloom gear takes away from the fun of the game. Some of the glyphs will be reworked. The last big thing I saw was the slick new Tier 15 armor, something you really should take a look at.

Of course this is all just up on the PTR and nothing is set in stone. Really like the new caster armors, but the new paladin armor doesn't look as good.


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