The Secret World looses subsciption fee

Yup, another mmo has decided to loose it's subscription fee. In an attempt to get people to play, The Lost World has decided to loose the sub fee and instead make it a one time price of $30 and you'll be able to get additional content by paying a small fee. Funcoms other mmo, Conan, has also recently removed it's sub fees.

The secret world takes place in the present world where you join one of three factions to fight the war against the secret world. That secret world being supernatural beings that threaten human kind. Threw the game you will not only kill supernatural monsters but also investigate conspiracy theories and myths putting the player in a deep and interesting story.

The Metasscore for The Secret World is 73 out of  100 and the user score is 8.2 out of 10. You can download The Secret World on Steam for $29.99.


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