2 million people leave WoW

A lot of people have recently been commenting about how WoW has been looking a little empty lately, and for a good reason too. Close to 2 million people have left the game. Is this a sign of the death of WoW?  After all those people left before the major content patch of 4.3 and after Blizzcons announcement of the next expansion pack Mists of Pandaria.

Do people really hate pandas that much?  I personally don't think so. I really don't think all the people that have left will stay gone. I've always found it amazing how many people "quit" and a month later they are waiting for a FL run. Another reason people could be leaving is because they are tired of paying a monthly fee. WoW now has a lot of competition, not by content standards,WoW still rules the roost, but by the simple fact that their are so many free to play games now.  DC Universe, Lord of the Rings are two big examples that recently have gone free, and companies like Nexon, Perfect World, and GPotato all have multiple free-to-play games that are actually a lot of fun.

Nothing lasts forever, but I think WoW will still be around for a long while. Enjoy it while it's here and don't give into the doomsayers that always seem to appear every time anything happens. Have some confidence in Blizzard and the WoW developers.


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