the art of the pug part 1

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With the coming patch a new raid finder is going to be opened to the people. Yet all to often people don't understand the pug or their rolls in a dungeon. I hope to share my knowledge about the pug.

Threw our time in any mmo we end up pugging eventually. The pug or pickup group puts our faith in a group in people you probably don't know, to beat that dungeon, raid, or quest that takes more than one person.  The group for example in WoW will consist of a tank, heals, and three dps.

The tank,  in my opinion has the hardest job. They usually are the unoffical leader of the group. Charging into combat first, getting groups of enemies attention and holding the attention can get very challenging especially if you haven't been in the dungeon or raid before, or your dps companions are pulling more aggro than they can handle.

The heals can also be a frustrating job. They are usually the guy in the back yelling don't stand in the fire. On the whole the bulk of the healing should be cast on the tank only having to heal themselves and dps on the odd aoe. The problem with that is healing spells pull a great deal of aggro making the healer cast with caution.

Lastly but not least their is dps. Dps has what is though of as the easiest job and that's to cause dmg. Really the secret to this class is knowing your rotation. What spells are going to cause the best dps the fastest. Yet they also have to worry about aggro, all to often the dps go into battle and just go nuts, don't! let your tank get the aggro and watch your threat. Also dps will come with some great boosts. Things like Blood Lust have a long cool down but make your entire team super charged, wait until major bosses to use them please don't waste them on trash.

Each person in the group is equally important but  people sometimes get a big head and think their class is the most important but this simply isn't true. If one person in the group fails to do their job and do it well the entire group will suffer. If the heals doesn't heal then the group will wipe, if the tank doesn't hold hate the group will wipe and if the dps doesn't take down the enemy quickly and efficiently eventually the heals will run out of mana  and the group will wipe. Yeah it can be kinda scary but just remember your a team, you don't have to like each other you just have to do your job.

Please if you have anything to add to this leave a comment and I'll be sure to address it in a future blog.


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