Skyrim Review

Maybe I'm biased but I've been playing Elder Scroll games since way back in Morrowind and I've loved each and every one. This game is no different. Skyrim moves the Elder Scrolls world ahead since our last adventure in Oblivion 200 years. We are now far to the north in the land of Skyrim.

The graphics are stunning, but only if you have the system of run them. I have a mediocre laptop to run it and even with everything running on it's lowest setting  I still experience random bouts of lag. I'm not sure about this because I can run Rage and Deus Ex without any problems at all.  Just incase somebody has ideas on how this might be stopped my system specs are :

  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
  • Intel Core 2 Duo CPU  2.53GHz 2.53GHz
  • 6GB Ram
  • GeForce GTX 260M

Still the first time a dragon lands in front of you, you can almost feel the fire blowing over the top you.

The combat has changed since that last game as well. You can now assign a weapon to each hand or a spell and a weapon to  each hand, all this adds up to dozens of combinations for your hacking, slashing, and zapping pleasure. During the combat sometimes you'll execute a killing move where you get a fancy camera angle, slow motion and to watch your kill.

The world is massive. Their are tons of people to talk with, quests to do, and when your not in the mood for any of that the world is just fun to wonder around in finding, exploring and fighting to all corners of the map. When you get tired of the walking from place to place you can just go to the map and fast travel to any location you've been to so far.

Pick up this game, it's well worth the price. While their are some glitches and bugs threw the game Bethesda has always been very good about patches.


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