Tanks use shields

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Tanks use shields! OK not all tanks use shields, druids and death knights don't and they can still tank just fine. However the idea of paladin or a warrior tanking without a shield is the same as thinking your a druid that can tank as a feral cat. Yes at low level dungeons it doesn't really matter. You can run the low level content without being the right spec or wearing the right gear, but as your progress threw the game it actually does matter. If you aren't going to gear right at the beginning who's to say you will by the end. How many times have you been in a ZA or ZG dungeon only have a tank that doesn't know what they're doing? Just the other day I was in a group with a paladin tank that was wearing  mail armor, a 2h weapon and with a holy spec and didn't understand why everybody left the group. If you don't want the shield and you really want to tank, be a druid or a death knight and save the world a lot of time, frustration and gold.


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