And Here's Me or what it's all about.

OK! So for my first blog I thought I'd let everybody know what my goals are and then dive right on it. The plan is to review games, movies, books, comics and to give news on things that are upcoming.  I've found all to often that I don't agree with professional reviewers, and since all of the above mentioned things I always have an opinion about I figured I might as well share it.

Review: Rage

So many people had so many problems with this game. I've read everything from how they developers are liars and need to be fired to how this could be the very last game id will ever make. I'm not going to lie their were glitches and the game did crash a couple of times. The game wasn't that long, took me about 30 hours to beat but I stink at fps's most people took about half that, and without giving out spoilers, had probably one of the worst endings in video game history. The only real multi-player is with the cars, not that that's bad I'm having fun with it, and the graphics pop into focus as you look around. Even the world that looks oh so pretty was tiny and the dungeons were super linear. Even shooting you all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon once you've completed the objective.

Yet some how even with all the problems this game has I still had a ton of fun playing it. Not often can I beat a game, spend an evening complaining about the ending to anybody and everybody and then start playing all over again. The car races, my robot spider drone, and crossbow bolts that let me control the minds of my enemies, it all makes me dance a little jig of glee every time I use it. Was this the greatest game? Not by any stretch of the imagination but it's still worth picking up. Maybe wait until it's patched a couple more times and the price has gone down a bit but still pick it up. At least it gives you something to do until Skyrim comes out.

OOOO and before I forget again for all those WoW players out there, today is the last day to get the day of the dead achievement Dead Mans Party. You get it by going up to Dalaran and dancing with Catrina. She's between the Violet Citadel and the Magus Commerce Exchange on that little green belt, you can't miss her.


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