WoW, anybody else miss the old days?

I started to play WoW just before Burning Crusade was release, just to give a point of reference. I recently decided to start another alt, I get the craving every couple of months. This time I made an Orc warlock. I've only ever had a little experience with locks back in the day.  I quickly wound up at level 10 even with no boa's, I bought my skills and went back to questing but had this feeling that something was missing. Eventually it all came to me.  Everything so far was just given to me.

Flashback a couple expansions. In order to pick up the next summon, their was a quest. Yup a person had a story, his story included me completing a task for him and what would he do? Grant me the knowledge for this summon.  The whole experience made me feel more apart of the world around me and most of all, I had fun.

Everything is now handed to us now. Where their used to be quests for  new spells and gear now it's just handed to us. Where we used to have to go find quests to do in the dungeons, now they just give the quest and everything to go with it in the dungeon, they even port you to the dungeon no more exploring. Even the gear, at one point it was a big deal to wear a piece of green armor, now people look at you funny if you're over level 20 and not covered in blues.

slowly but surely the game is removing any and all of the rpg elements of the game. Exploring, and stories are all being taken away from us.

Am I just imaging that a lot of the fun is being taken out of the game? Was it all better back in the day? I'd love to hear what everybody else thinks about this.


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