DC Universe Online 1000% growth

DC Universe online went free on the November 1st...kinda. The game didn't really run that day at all, but on the second day, well it didn't really run that day much either. The same with the third  or the fourth. OK so the game has been less than stable since it's free release, but we now know why. In a recent press release DC told us that the population has grown over 1000%! Holy jelly donuts Batman, I'm no longer annoyed with the long wait times to long in, the over crowded areas and the simple fact that a lot of the time you can't even long in. After all who would have expected that much growth in such a short time. They are actively patching and the game has become more stable and the servers are up more than they were, so with any luck they'll have their problems worked out soon.

It also shows something else. The game is good! Super customizable characters, fun dungeons, not to mention the fact that you get to not only meet but fight along your favorite DC characters. If you haven't downloaded this game yet and you like DC, comic books, or are just looking for another mmo to eat your time up while you wait for 4.3 WoW patch this is worth picking up.


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