Skyrim Launches Tomorrow!

So the day that we have all been waiting for is finally happening tomorrow, Skyrim launches. We finally get to find out if all the vids, pics, and articles that we've all main lined into our heads live up to our expectations.

So what great things are we waiting for:
  1. Dragons, lots and lots of dragons. Dragons in the air, dragons on the ground and oh did I mention dragons. We get to roam the landing killing dragons collecting powers from them. I think this is every fan of Elder Scrolls dream.
  2. Duel wield. This is the first Elder scrolls game that you can duel wield not just two, one handed weapons but two spells as well. You can mix and match spell combinations to produce different effects. Or if you want keep that sword in hand and use the other to zap your enemies.
  3. Supposedly infinite quests. While the game does have a main story quest set and guild story quest set, I've read how quests will be randomly generated potentially giving the player an almost infinite set of quests.
  4. As with every Elder Scroll game a massive world left open for us to explore and experience. Half the fun of Cataclysm was just going our and running around. It seems I had more adventures while just roaming the map.
  5. A totally refined skill system.  No more randomly running everywhere and jumping of crazy things  to make a skill go up. 
  6. Stunning graphics. Cataclysm had some stunning graphics, sometimes I would find myself just sitting on the road looking out over the water. Skyrim doesn't look to have skimped on the pretty though, as we've seen with the pictures and vids so far.
  7. Amazing design. Each species, weapon and building has such a great design really making it so you can almost feel that sword in your hand or the heat of the dragons breath as he tries to cook you.
So those are the things I'm looking forward to. I'm sure others are looking forward to other things, if I missed one that's near and dear to you let me know and I'll add it to the list.  I will have a review of the game with any luck some time tomorrow. As always I look forward to your comments.


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