
Showing posts from 2014

Good Night Mr. Colbert

In 1996 I started watching what would be come one of my favorite shows of all time, The Daily Show. Jon Stewart opened an entire world of world events, and politics that before that I just didn't care about. Because of the Daily Show I actually started to watch the news. Stewart brought me something else too, Steven Colbert. In 2005 Steven got his own show, The Colbert Report. Steven played a fictional anchorman he discribed as "well-intentioned, poorly informed, high-status idiot."  He satirized political pundits tirelessly, in particular Bill O'Reilly.  Tonight was his final episode. Colbert did so much more than make me laugh though. He made the insanity of the world bearable. No matter how crazy everything got, no matter how stupid I thought a political event was I knew I could turn on the Report and laugh my away my annoyance for a good half an hour. The show ended in it's usual over the top craziness, I laughed my way threw the episode as I always do a...

Witcher 3 Delayed... Again

That's right, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been pushed back again. This time another 12 weeks until May 19, 2015.  An open letter from CD Projekt Red explains that there are still bugs that need fixing. Ever since we started working on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , we knew it would be an ambitious game," it begins. "We wanted, and still aim, to give you an incredible experience, an epic adventure in a vast, completely open fantasy universe. The sheer size and complexity of The Witcher, key features of the title, have had a decisive impact on production. Now, nearing the end of our work, we see many details that need to be corrected. When we release the most important game in our studio’s history, we must be absolutely sure that we did everything we could to limit any bugs to a level that will allow you to enjoy the game thoroughly. "With this in mind, we took another look at current workloads and what they mean for the team. Even though everyone is working...

WoW: For the Children Quest

So if you're like me you've made it threw the regular story quests of the latest WoW expansion and now you've starting doing the dailys, running heroics, and the recruit quests. I actually had a little problem with one that I didn't think would have any, For the Children. You pick up the quest in your Lunarfall Inn or Frostwall  Tavern from Millhouse Manastorm. The quest sends you into heroic Upper Black Rock Spire where you'll pick up the iron star. It's hard to miss since it's marked on your map. The problem comes after you've picked up the Iron Star. You'll head back to your garrison and won't be able to find Millhouse anywhere. The mini map will say he's right in the middle of your garrison but he's not. When I went back into the room where I found him to give me the quest I found rat right where he was. All I had to do to make Millhouse come back was kill the rat and around 15 min later Millhouse had re-spawned where the rat had ...

WoW: Warlords of Draenor First Impessioin

Well that could have gone smoother... I was really happy at first. I picked up Warlords first thing in the morning and only had to wait in a short line to get it, good times. Warlords installed super fast, all the codes that came with it went in with no problems and life was good. I even got to play threw the opening sequence of the game without any lag or disconnecting issues. Then then the problems came. I shouldn't say problems really. The only problem I had was that I kept getting kicked out of the expansion zone, then the game. When I would log back in I found myself in Stormwind, where my hearthstone was set to, and when I would try to use the new Garrison Hearthstone to go back to where I was, it wouldn't work. This happened to me a couple times before I decided to just stop for a couple hours. When I came back later that night it didn't happen again. So what do I think of the expansion so far? I'm having a lot of fun. The story has me hooked, not to mention ...

WildStar New Patch

First let me start off by saying how excited I was for this drop. I actually really enjoyed all of WildStar so far.... until now..... I need to be held. First I'd like to say don't eat anything before you play the new content. Better you don't even eat before you log in because you'll just end up puking it all up. For something that we all had to wait for so it wouldn't be buggy when it dropped, we sure waited for nothing. So far we've had log in problems, and server problems. Everybody in one of the smaller parts of one of the maps, trying not to give anything away here, was killed when dozens of enemies spawned on top of us filling the map, killing us all. They took away my favorite falling skill, and gave me some dumb jet pack that shoots me forward instead. Worst of all, the story is weak. The entire game I was so into what was happening I couldn't wait to see what happened next. In the new zone I feel lost. It's like they couldn't figure how...

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel First DLC

Today at the PAX Australia, during the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel panel, Gearbox announced that the first DLC will come November 11. The DLC will include the new character Jack the Doppelganger as the fifth playable character. The doppelganger will be able to summon two Digi-Jacks to help the player out. The three skill trees will include Hero of this Story which will give buffs to grenades. Greater Good adds buffs to the "fight for your" mode for you and your friends. Lastly the Free Enterprise tree gives jack buffs when he picks up money and gets bonuses for using guns made by specific manufacturers. This first DLC should be ready November 11 for $9.99, and is also part of the Season Pass that you can pick up for $29.99. Also rumor of another class coming out "The Baroness" is floating around the net, but their is no news as to when she will be making her debut.

Constantine goodness and Papa Midnite

We only just had our second episode of the new Constantine show and I loved it. The show moves smoothly, with the right amount of magic action, a dab of humor and a nice little mystery just to round it all out.  If you haven't check the series out it really is worth it. Something else that has me excited is when they showed scenes from next week we found out that Papa  Midnite will be making his first appearance.  He's another character from the comic series, sometimes friend, sometimes enemy, Mob boss, and witch doctor. I'm can't wait for that one.

Constantine, TV show review

Last night DC comics took another step into the TV world with the premier of Constantine. John Constantine is the star of the Hellblazer series of comics and books. The new show started off quick paced with possessions, mystic powers, demons, and an exorcise. Constantine, played by Matt Ryan, was his typical magician, detective self, full of cynical, deadpan humor and as usual being pulled back into the fight against the darkness. I really enjoyed this premiere. The humor wasn't over done and it moved fast. Maybe to fast, not giving us enough time to really get to know anybody, but hey, that's a premiere for you. I hope as the story goes along they do more to tell us about the characters and  the world that everything takes place in. Like I said though the show was good and I can't wait for the next episode.

Blacklist: The Front review

I'm usually a big fan of Blacklist, but something about tonight episode annoyed me.  I can't stand when shows stop thinking for themselves and just start to copy what's going on in the world around us, and that's just what tonight's episode has basically  done. A terrorist group gets  a hold of some ancient form of plague, alters it and releases it on the world. OK so that's the super short version, trying not to spoil anything for everybody but still you get the idea. I don't know, with all the "we're all going to die" going on 24/7 on the news with ebola, I don't want to watch it on TV too. I like to watch TV to escape all the crazy things that are happening in the world, I don't want to escape to a world where they are living out exactly what all the news channels are talking about could happen.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel first thoughts

Right now I'm about 7 hours into the new Borderlands game and I'm playing as Athena.  I was really excited about the game, I love the others and was happy to find out what made Handsome Jack who we all loved to hate. So far though, I've been a bit let down. Pros- Zero gravity is a lot fun Plenty of loot It's nice seeing some of the same old faces Cons- Not as funny Buggy Invisible walls Those how the heck do I get there moments. to much platforming Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel isn't a horrible game, but it's not even close to being as good as the past ones. It almost feels like they took a DLC and tried to turn it into it's own game. I'm hoping it picks up as I continue playing but I'm not holding my breath.

Welcome Back Warcraft

 Today we finally got the chance to see what your WoW toons look like with the new improved graphics this new expansions has. A new patch dropped today with that gave us the new character models, along with a short new adventure that sets up us for the next expansion. The event takes us to outside the Dark Portal, that has now changed colors, and our new enemy, the Iron Horde, is now spewing threw. I know you've watched the video blizzard posted ages ago that kinda explains what's going, and if you haven't checked it, what's wrong with you, and you can see it here . If what we get to see in this little patch, well not so little darn this was massive, is half as good as what we are going to see in the new expansion, it's going to be amazing. If the pandas drove you away now is a good time to come back and see what's going on. Warlords of Dreanor is going to drop November 13. Feel free to dance a jig glee, I know I am.

Mummy on the Orient Express, Review

Tonight's episode of Doctor Who, Mummy on the Orient Express, has to be one of my favorites in awhile. The story mashes together elements of Murder on the Orient Express and The Mummy with a sci-fi twist. The story starts off with the Doctor and Clara stepping out of the Tarids onto the Orient Express, which is now a space train. Anyway with the Doctor and Clara's relationship on the rocks, this is supposed to be one last trip before they say goodbye. But as usual things don't go as planned, and suddenly the body counts starts to rise as a mummy that only it's victims can see, starts taking people out. How will the Doctor save them, ooooo ahhhhhhhhh, yeah I guess you'll just have to watch. The story had the feeling of one of the older episodes, I mean a couple Doctors back kinda older episodes. It had a good quick flow, you were never wondering where they were now or what was going on. Their was a clear beginning, middle and an end and I actually felt like we ha...

WoW Patch Next Week!

Oh happy days! That's right, next week on the 14th the next patch for WoW is going up. Why am I so excited you ask? This patch is going to feature the new content, leading up to the invasion of the Iron Horde, not to mention updates to skills and abilities for each of the classes, but really it's the new content that has me dancing around like an idiot. If you want to hear the whole story behind what's happening, you can check it out on the official WoW website at here . It's actually a fun little read and I know it got me excited for the new content.

The Flash Premiere Review

I've been looking forward to premiere of the new Flash t.v. show. At first I wasn't sure if anybody could actually do a good super hero television show, but then I started watching The Arrow, another show on the same channel that is making The Flash, and actually really enjoy it. It's third season actually starts tonight, fingers crossed they don't screw it up. Anyway in a lot of premieres of televisions shows, they start off slow. Usually the entire story would be him getting his powers in some long drawn out manner leaving you kind of bored, but not in The Flash. The story moved along quickly getting him his powers in a flash... yeah I said it. It introduced all the characters letting us know everybody back-story quickly without leaving the viewer feeling lost about why they were. It gave us little hints about villians we may be seeing later in the story including Mirror Master and Killer Grodd, feel free to cheer, I know I did. I really enjoyed this premiere alon...

Doctor Who: Time Heist Review

In this episode the Doctor and Clara join forces with two others, a shape-shifting lady and a cyborg man, to rob a super secure bank for the Achitect. Who's the Architect, we don't know, why are they robbing the bank, we don't know. Why don't we know, everybody has willingly had their minds wiped. Anyway that's it in a nut shell. To be honest I didn't like the beginning of the story. I felt lost and confused, and while that's how I was supposed to feel to add to the mystery of the story and who the Architect is, I didn't like it.  As the story moved along things were explained and by the end I felt satisfied and wasn't confused anymore. I've never been a big fan with stories that I give the story an 8.5, I don't know if anybody else watched and in the beginning felt confused or almost like we missed the beginning of the story, but I did. After that the story was fun, it felt almost like an Oceans movie

Destiny and My First Strike

So far in Destiny I've been slowly puttering my way threw the story, only finishing the moon today and I've been messing around with the PvP, which is actually a lot of fun even if I do suck. I figured today would be the day I take the leap into a cooperative mission. In some games group missions go smooth, they get done and everybody has fun. In other games it turns into a continual troll fest, where nothing you do is right and in the end you  just feel miserable. I'm happy to say that my first Strike in Destiny was actually a lot of fun. I decided to run The Summoning Pits first. It's  a little on the short side but was still  a lot of fun. The other two players and I worked well together taking out enemies, and reviving each other when things got out of hand.  The Strike came to an end when we took out the huge boss at the end, which is probably one of the cooler enemies I've seen in a game in awhile. In the end I got a friend request from one of the other pl...

MMO's and Raid Finder Woes

The great debate rages on, to give us a LFR in MMO's. "I just want a chance to do the raids, I don't have friends that do them so give me something that finds me a group for a raid," one group asks. " Just go make some friends and do the raid, stop being anti-social. If they make a raid finder, they'll have to nerf all the content," the other group says. World of Warcraft ended up adding an LFR, some people say that it ruined the game and others love it. Recently Destiny was released and while some of the content will find you a group, but not the raids, which has set the boards ablaze. I look at WoW. Some people say that the LFR option has ruined the entire raiding experience, but really has it?  Has that taken away from the other raiding? NO! Yes the LFR is easy, but you can always get together with your friends, or guildies and run it on a normal difficultly, which is harder to complete, and you'll get different rewards for completing it. Is tha...

Arkham Knight Release Date and Collector's Edition Revealed

The release date for the next game in the Batman series has been released. June 2, 2015 you'll be able to pick up Batman: Arkham Knight. You may remember the game was originally supposed to launch in October of this year but it was pushed back. So what's going to come along with the limited editions, I mean besides the $100 price tag. Well on version will come with concept art, a SteelBook (not sure what that is), Limited Edition DC Batman: Arkham Knight #0 comic, three unique skins from the New 52 comics, and Batman Memorial Statue. That's not enough for you? Oh well, you could also pick up the Batmobile Edition and it's only *choke* $200. It comes with everything I mentioned before along with a transformable Batmobile statue as well. Batman: Arkham Knight will be released on the next gen systems along with the PC.

New Artwork

As anybody that's been reading my blog for a little while knows, I've been trying to get my art work noticed ever since I graduated from College. So here's some more new pieces I've done. Please take a look, let me know what you think, also tell your friends. The only way I'm going to get this whole design, art career is threw word of mouth. This was for the Witches of East End, Edgar Allen Poe contest. It's supposed to be for the story Tell Tale Heart. I just like the way the hands look like the bottom part of the creatures jaw. Thanks for taking the time to look threw. If you like please let me know. It's always nice to hear from people. If you like anything in particular you can buy a great deal of my at: You can also check me out on Deviantart at: here Or follow me on facebook: here

Wildstar Attunements, never gonna happen.

Imbuements,  Attunements.... So I'm not that great of a Wildstar player, I'm secure enough to admit it. I still get my butt kicked on a regular basis, and while I am slowly getting better (only had to run back 3 times last night due to scorchwing deaths, OK you can stop laughing now) it's still nowhere near good. That's why this whole attunement is never going to happen. Right now at endgame one of the things to do is get something called the Geneiss Key. With the Genesis key you need to complete different quests that add to the imbuement of the key. The quests are called attunement. At least I think that's how it's working. My current attunement quest is  to complete all of the adventures on veteran mode with at least a silver rating. I'm having trouble beating them on normal with a silver rating. So I really just don't see that happening. Of course even after writing that I have a strange urge to try, and know what I'll end up doing tonight. T...

PSN Back online

PNS is back online or at least should be soon. Yesterday PSN, Blizzard and a couple other services were attacked yesterday with a DDoS attack. For those that don't know what a DDoS attack is, cause I sure didn't, it's a distributed denial of service attack. Basically the servers get bombarded with requests and errors so nobody else can use the service. Lizard Squad is taking credit for the attack along with a bomb scare on Sony Online Entertainment President's airplane. I've also read that Lizard Squad is saying they are part of the ISIS group we are hearing so much about over in Iraq. If that's true or not I don't know. Maintenance was supposed to happen on the PSN network but that's been pushed back.

Darkness 2

I was bored this weekend and when I found out that Darkness 2 was on sale, on Steam. Good old Steam, it's nice being able to pick up games that I'm not sure about for next to nothing. Anyway Darkness 2 was on sale for $5 and I had nothing to do so I figured what the heck. The Darkness, for those that don't know, is a comic series published by Top Cow. It's about a Mafia hitman that on his 21st birthday becomes the bearer of the Darkness, a force that's been around before time and gives the bearer super powers and control over the demons that lurk in it. The story also ties into other comics like The Witchblade, and The Magdalena. The game is a linear first person shooter where you switch between using the different powers of the Darkness and guns you find a long the way. The game isn't bad if you're looking for an old school shooter. The biggest problem I had is how short it is. I stink at these games and it only took seven hours to beat. Also the story ...

Warlords release date!

Just a second ago I finished watching the live event for the next expansion of World of Warcraft, Warlords of Dreanor and it was amazing! The entire new expansion, everything from the new models and zones, the new dungeons and raids, and new pvp content is crazy.  Being able to build your own garrison is going to be a blast. Really everything looks amazing, especially for somebody like me who is a lore fiend and has been playing since Orcs and Humans. I can't help but do a little dance around the living room. But what you really want to know is the release date, NOVEMBER 13 THIS YEAR! now you know, mark your calenders, plan to be sick that day.

mmMMMmmmm more news goodness.

So if you're anything like me you spent the day raging over the announcement that the new Tomb Raider game is only going to be on the Xbox. Well now all sorts of things are popping up all over the net, maybe exclusive doesn't really mean exclusive, but kinda exclusive. Like the kind of exclusive that means that Tomb Raider may be out on the other systems just after a period of time. At least that's the inference a lot of people are getting from what has been officially released. Who knows what's actually going on, I know I sure don't. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Diablo 3 is getting ready for it's next patch, 2.1.0, which I'm super excited for. Ever wonder been chasing that darn treasure goblin along, watch him open that darn portal, of course you manage to take him out before he escapes, but where does that portal go? In the upcoming patch we are finally going to get the chance to see. Every so often after you take the treasure goblin t...

Tomb Raider News!

I had no I idea that I could be so annoyed so early in the morning, but when I went to IGN to see if anybody had any interesting news I came across a gamescom announcement about the new Tomb Raider game, Rise of the Tomb Raider. It's going to be an Xbox One Exclusive.....Yeah I know, no sense at all. How can you reboot a series in one game, putting it on every system then turn around and put it only on one system after. It's just plain stupid. I was really looking forward to the new Tomb Raider game, I really enjoyed the last one. But, no matter how much I liked  the last one, it's not enough to get me to go out and buy a new system just to play it. With any luck in a year after the release a new super version will come to the PS4, and or the PC, at least that's what a lot of the boards are hoping for. Fingers Crossed!

Ninja Turtle Review

I've been a ninja turtle fan for more years than I can remember. When I was little I would run around being that ninja fighting to foot, and eating pizza. Even as the years passed and the new cartoons would come on, or the amazing comics books were released, I would be there ready and waiting. That's why when I heard that this new movie was coming I was excited.... and slightly scared. I mean how where these new turtles going to stomp on something I loved so much growing up. So when I went to the theater I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not to sure what people were expecting from the Ninja Turtle movie, but this was a good PG, kids movie. Maybe that's what seemed to bug so many reviewers. It really is a kids, PG movie. If you go expecting some over the top movie aimed at older audiences then you're going to be disappointed. If you go and keep in mind that it really is a kids movie, you will have fun. Each of the turtles acted just as you would expect them to act....

And Then Their was 50

Yup I've dinged 50 in Wildstar with my spellslinger. So what now? Raiding, dungeons, adventures, pvp? So far I've been working on my pvp ranking, and grabbing some of the pvp gear. I'm hoping to get some of the of the weapon crafting schematics for doing that as well, if they even drop from doing it. I get a bit confused there. I've also been working on finishing up all the quests that I haven't finished yet. This is one thing that Wildstar did right, even after I've reached the max level all the experience I would have gotten for finishing quests and killing monsters now goes to elder gems, that I can use to get better gear among other things, actually to encourages me to keep playing the same character. So I've made to the end game content, what did I think of the game so far? On the whole the game was a lot of fun. I plan keeping playing while I get the better gear and finding out the rest of the story. The story was actually really good, especially the...

Help a Starting Artist

So if you've ever read this blog before you know that I'm an artist trying to get started in this crazy world. I've posted a bunch of my work on Society6, if you'd like to check it out. Well right now, Society6 is having a special promotion, that if you click this link , you get free worldwide shipping and $10 off a new duvet cover. If you want to see just the plain old page you can at:  Thanks in advance for checking it out.

Warlords of Draenor Release Date....Soon

Today Blizzard announced when the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor, will be released... Well kinda. The official WoW blog said that the opening cinematic and the official release date will premiere at an event on August 14th in L.A.  The event is supposed to be held in Ace Theater and should also include a live interview with WoW developers.

Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Guardians of the Galaxy is Marvel comics latest romp into movies, and I loved every second of it. I'd never heard of the Guardians before the movie, never read a comic or anything else so, I went into the movie not knowing what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. The Guardians consist of Peter Quill (Starlord), Gamora the beautiful assassin, Drax, Rocket Racoon, and Groot the giant tree person. All of them, rebel, loosers in their own right are brought together to save Xandar, the home of the Nova Corps from Kree Ronan and the Infinity Stone he has acquired. This movie was so much fun. Their was a great balance of drama, action, and tons of just funny. The entire theater laughed at the jokes, and it seemed everybody had a great time. The special effects were amazing, along with the voice acting of Rocket.  If you're looking for something to do, go watch this movie!

Looking Good

My first play threw of Wildstar is ever continuing. Actually the game is a lot of fun. I'm up to level 42, only 8 levels left, and I've picked up a little more slick looking gear. I've also ended up using about a third of the money I've been saving to get my advanced riding skill.  At first I didn't think it was worth it, but it's helped me get some of the timed achievements done so oh well. I've also started running more PVP. It's Ok, with only a couple battlegrounds to run right now it's a bit repetitive. I also find that I have no idea what's happening most of the time. I mean I know where to run but in the fog of combat all to often I find myself just spamming my attacks into the crowd right in front of me, and even with that and no PVP gear I'm still in the top 3 for damage and kills. I'm hoping it will be a bit more interesting once more battlegrounds launch. As for the Adventures and Dungeons, I haven't had much of any luck...

WoW New Mount

Remember when we were all voting to see that new motorcycle mount they were going to add to WoW? Well finally it's going to to making it's way to the game, but to get it you have to make sure you log in! Anybody that logs in between now and the September 30th will get flagged to get the mount when the new expansion is launched. The only problem with all of this, the only players that will be able to ride the new bike are Horde characters. Oh well I guess it's a chance to go back and play my Tauren Shaman again.

Destiny Open Beta!

I wasn't sure if I was going to pick up Destiny. I only have my PC and a PS3 and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure if I'm even going to go get one of the next gen systems.  Most of the games I want are on the PC in some shape or form and most of them look better on the PC. One of the few games that had me on the fence though was Destiny. I watched my brother play it on the PS4 and everything about it looked amazing, but who wants to buy a next gen game on last seasons system right? Anyway I finally have a way to make up my mind. The beta for Destiny has gone open on all the systems including the PS3, so if you like me are on the fence about the game go download it. I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had a chance to play for awhile.

Naxxramas Launch Live and Game Push Backs

Today Hearthstone launched it's first piece of content, Curse of Naxxramas. So far I've been experiencing a bit of latency issues so fingers crossed that get that fixed soon. The little I have had a chance to play, this beginning bit is free, is super difficult at least for me. I haven't played as much as I probably should have to be ready for the new content to you might not have any problems. So I'm going to be doing some grinding  to help get some new cards and bolster my decks. In less happy news a couple of this years big titles have been pushed back. Battlefield hardline isn't going to be released in 2014 at all now but is now supposed to be 2015. Also Dragon Age: Inquisition has been pushed back from October 7th, back to November 18th.

Hearthstone expansion launch date

The Blizzard card game Hearthstone has had many players, myself included, addicted to it and not to long ago they released news of it's first expansion Naxxramas. Well they've finally let us know when we will be able to start playing, July 22. As for cost, Curse of Naxxramas is supposed to be released in sections.  If you play the first section within the first month of it's release you will get it for free. After that each wing will cost $7, and if you buy all the wings at once will get a $2 discount for each wing.

New Skins for Borderlands 2

You can now pick up new Pre-Sequel skins for Borderlands 2. I guess starting today six new heads and skins will be released for each of the Borderlands 2 characters that represent characters for the new Pre-Sequel Borderlands 2 title. they are supposed to be super rare loot drops but every so often on certain dates they can be unlocked using Shift Codes that Gearbox is going  to release. Those certain dates are :   • July 18: Axton as Athena   • July 25: Salvador as Wilhelm   • Aug. 1: Maya as Nisha   • Aug. 8: Zer0 as Claptrap   • Aug. 15: Gaige as Moon Moxxi   • Aug. 22: Krieg as a Scav As always happy hunting.

Wildstar Continues

My slow and steady romp threw the world of WildStar continues. At this point I've stopped buying all those extra things... Well except the level two mining fab kit. That cost me 10 gold and was my first purchase at the auction house.  Things are going to be a bit different when it comes to auction house, at least different than WoW. In WoW I made my first real gold selling ore I ran around getting, it doesn't look like that will work in WS seeing as how everybody can mine anything it's just that because I picked up the mining profession I get a bonus to how much I can pick up. My other profession is weapon crafting, and that doesn't look like it makes much of anything in the auction house either, which puts me up a creek without a paddle. So far I just sell everything I don't need, or can't use along with selling the extra weapons I make to level the weapons crafting profession. So far I'm doing ok with that but I haven't really needed to buy much of a...

Evo 2014 news!

I've been glued to my computer with this years Evo 2014. I love watching people pull out the most amazing combos in Marvel VS. Capcom, the sheer skill of Smash Brothers players, and my personal favorite Street Fighter 4. I don't know how people do half the stuff they manage to pull off in any of the games but it gives a great example of some of the best players in the world.  If you haven't checked it out you can find a ton of videos on youtube. On the news front right after the Marvel VS. Capcom we go to see a quick little teaser trailer to Tekken 7. They also let us know that later in July during the San Diego Comic Con, they will have a booth up showing off a bunch of new stuff for it. Something to look forward to!

Artist Promo!

I guess every so often society6 will let me do promotions for my online shop, so I figured hey that sounds pretty darn snazzy. I guess by using the link I'm going to add below you get Free Worldwide Shipping and $5 off new biker tanks. The offer only happens when somebody clicks on the link I'm supposed to share. So go take a peek at my work. If anything click the like button to help promote my work and if you really like something pick it up. So if you're interested in the offer just click, here!

WildStar Combat Tips

I've been playing Wild Star for just a little while now but I've come across somethings that may be perfectly obvious to some players and not even thought of by others when it comes to combat. So here's a quick list. Keep those feet moving. Just because you can't see that red area of effect marking on the ground doesn't mean no damage is coming your way. The combat really is designed around moving around as much as possible. Use your "r" skills. I don't know what they are really called but they're activated by pressing the "r" key on the keyboard so there you go. Anyway when I first started playing I thought they were one of those panic skills with an epic cool down time, not so much. Most of them recharge surprisingly fast and all of them boost your damage and healing a ton. All characters come with some sort of interrupt skill, and all players should have one in their action bars. During boss fights in dungeons some will have multip...

My first dungeon.

I've finally gotten to level 20 in WildStar  with my Spell Slinger and decided to run my first dungeon. The only dungeons I've ever really run are the WoW dungeons, I've gone threw a couple of the Guild Wars 2 dungeons but only once seeing as how I can never actually find a party to run them. Anyway none of my past dungeon experiences had me ready for this one. I should have known Stone Talon was going to be way different from the start. The trash at the beginning wasn't hard but more was more difficult compared to what you would call trash mobs in WoW. The first boss was a slight lesson in frustration. I spent more time dead than alive even with my jumping and dodging around,  sometimes I couldn't even tell what was hurting me. I had that problem for most of the dungeon. Nothing seemed to be targeting me and I wasn't standing in any of the red, don't stand here cause something big is coming places, but I was still getting smacked around. The Second boss ...

Finally Finished Farcry 3

With Far Cry 4 coming closer, I decided to make my way threw Far Cry 3. I know I'm a game behind but that's what I do. I loved FC3 so much, nothing is more fun than randomly jumping off a nice high place with my flying squirrel suit and just flying threw the air. Yeah OK it's not called a flying squirrel suit but you get the idea.  FC4 is looking amazing and is supposed to be launched November 18 this year on pretty much everything except Nintendo. With Wild Star I've only worked my way up to level 12 with my spell slinger. I know, I'm slow. It seems like most people are already working on end game content. I hate to blow threw games though. I like to take my time and enjoy the experience. Tonight I plan on getting my house, yay, and working more on my profession of weapons crafting. I haven't even started experimenting with the cooking yet. I said that I would post a picture of the toon I'm playing as now. If anything I get to keep progression of how he c...

Another Day Another Character

I've been playing WildStar a lot and I'm having a blast. I'm not sure I would say it's World of Warcraft good but it's well on it's way and with a bit of fixing up of the few bugs it has would be right up there with it. I ended up making a new character. One of the things that's been bugging me was the engineers little helper robots. I would be trying to run somewhere they would get attacked, I wouldn't notice and when I would try to start mining, one of my professions, I couldn't because I was in combat. It would even say I was in combat when I ran back to the town and when I tried to un-summon the robots it wouldn't let me. Really more often than not they were just in my way. I ended up making a Spell Slinger, a magic gunslinger kinda character. It's actually what I was planing on being when I first picked up the character until I was seduced by those darn little robots. I also decided to go with the Mordesh race, just to try something ...


So I had great plans of just heading out early and picking up Wildstar, then spending the day installing and playing. Of course it's never that easy. Picking up the game went just find, it was the last copy so I got a bit lucky there. The problem came when I got home, opened up the dvd drive and popped the disk in and nothing. I took it out put it back in..... nothing. I restarted, checked drivers, uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them with nothing but more nothing.  All this lead to me taking the laptop apart giving the inside a good cleaning, which included more than a little profanity, after all profanity helps fix everything along with duct tape and a hammer. After all that I put the dvd back into the drive, still nothing.  Anyway after a day of me fiddling with it, something must have clicked just right and it started working again. Wildstar got installed and I ended up making a Human Engineer that took the explorer path. I've only had a couple hours of play bu...

Wildstar Tomorrow

I've finally decided to do it. Tomorrow I'm going to pick up a copy of Wildstar. I played the beta and never really got that far but I always had a lot of fun. I wasn't going to pick it up until it either went free to play, which seems to be what most mmo's are doing lately, or I could find the time cards which still hasn't happened. What made me finally decided to pick it up was watch random YouTube videoes. They showed how customizable everything was. From dying your armor to building a house, the house thing being the most important.... I want to build the house! And since we have even more dead time before the next WoW expansion I figured what the heck. I should have my first thoughts of the full game up sometime soon. On a different not I've been working really hard getting more of my work up on society6, and it hasn't been for naught. People are actually clicking the like button for some of it. If  you want to check it out just go to

Little Old Me

Well this isn't about games, but that's ok. If you've seen this blog before you might already know I'm an artist and I'm always trying to sell my work online. So if you like the weird and wonderful, or you just like to see what a little, no name artist is doing please check out my page on Society 6 at .  If you like do me a favor and tell your friends.

My Favorite Games of E3

So after sitting around watching endless videos of all the amazing games at the E3 show I've decided to put up a list of what I think are some of the top 10 best games to be shown. Batman: Arkham Knight Borderlands The Pre-Sequel  Destiny Dragon Age Inquisition Far Cry 4 Legend of Zelda Wii U Rise of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Battle Front The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Assassins Creed Unity That's my list in no particular order. What are you looking forward to? Feel free to leave a comment.

New Batman Arkham Knight News

I've only just beat Batman: Arkham City, I know, I'm super behind but slowly catching up next on the list of things to beat is Origins. But more importantly the first video of Batman: Arkham Knight has been released. That's right get the dance of endless glee out of your system. The video shows now just in game videos but supposedly actual game play. I wont tell you exactly what's in it, no spoilers, I'll let you watch and enjoy it yourself by clicking here , enjoy.

Transistor Review

The makers of one of my favorite games ever, Bastion, has released a new game, Transistor.  Transistor is a mixture of an action game and an RPG with a little bit of a strategy game mixed into the combat system. The game has a beautiful art style all in 1080p resolution, not  to mention an amazing soundtrack. I rarely notice sound tracks but this one really stuck with me, if you want to check it out you can for free on Spotify.  Transistor also offers Steam Achievements for those of us that picked it up on Steam, Steam Trading cards and full controller support. If you're looking for a new indie game to pick up this is well worth the twenty dollar price tag, go download it now.

Godzilla movie Review.

After seeing this movie you remember why Godzilla is king of the monsters.  The entire movie reminded me of the original Godzilla movies with super new graphics.  While you don't get the chance to see Godzilla until about half way threw the movie, you wont be disappointed with the two other monsters we get to see rain havoc across the world, and then... Oh man and then, the classic, epic fight between the monsters to the death. This movie is so much fun, it just flew by. I hope this brings more classic monster movies to the theater.  I can't wait to be able to pick it up on blu-ray.  Even with all the movies that are coming to the theater this one is a must see.

Far Cry 4 Announced

That's right lock, load, and prepare for another Far Cry adventure with Far Cry 4. Ubisoft has officially announced the release of Far Cry 4 for all major systems, current and last-gen, and the PC. So far the release date is this year November 18 here in the U.S. This iteration of the Far Cry series will take us to Kyrat, in a place that is being ruled by some self-appointed king. Just like Far Cry 3 we wont just have to deal with the evil locals, but the environment around us. We are supposed to get a really good first for this game at Ubisoft's E3 briefing. All I can say is I hope this Far Cry is as addictive as the last. For the official page telling more about the release you can go  here .

Lego Simpsons, How could you Screw that up?

I was really looking forward to tonight episode of The Simpsons. I mean you can't get better than putting two classics together like The Simpsons and Lego. Well usually I would have thought that you can't get better but they really managed to mess this one up. Usually I love the voice acting from The Simpsons but for  some reason tonight it felt forced, like they didn't have any feeling. I don't know how adding Lego to the show would change voice acting of a show that has been around as long as The Simpsons but hey, their you go. The animation in this episode was terrible. With all the Lego work being done, between the games, the movies, and the millions of shorts all over the place, to mess up the animation, making it so choppy, is just wrong and really can't be ignored. For a 550 special episode I'm really disappointing, and hope that when The Simpsons get to episode 600 they actually do it right.

Spider-Man 2 Movie Review

Well that was another two hours of my life that I can't get back. Spider-Man 2 was so boring. You would think that with three, yes THREE villains their could have been some action, but for an action movie not very much happens. Really we only get about a half an hour of super hero action and the rest of the movie is I love you but I can't have you, or can I? No I can't, yes I can.... back and forth and back and forth until you want everybody to just get zapped. OK I know, even in the comics the romances of Spider-Man play a big part of the story but when you only have a couple of hours to tell a story it's important to get into the story, move things along and not dwell on things. Another problem with the movie is they tried to introduce to many characters all together. Three villains, all with minimal screen time. The whole movie felt more like they were setting up for their next movie rather than telling us a story.  While other Marvel movies, Iron Man, Thor, did a ...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Review

It hurts me when some thing that I loved so much when I was little is destroyed so easily and that's just what Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows does. The entire time you play the game you feel like you're fighting, but not Foot ninja, or Mousers.  No you're fighting the controls, the camera, the the urge to harm yourself from the poor voice acting and terrible "comic strip" cut scenes. The controls never seem to work when you really need them to. You spend your time building up a combo to let loose some sort of super move, the only problem is I find my self jamming on the controls to get the super move to work in which time I'm getting my shell pounded in by the surrounding enemies.  The camera seems to always be spinning around and around and while I can move it where I want it with the right stick, right after it will go off on it's own again. Usually I can get over a camera that's a little wild but this time it's so bad I jus...

Fargo Review

I was a huge fan of the original Fargo movie so when the FX channel said that they would making a TV show I got really excited. I'm not going to tell you all about the episode, if you've ever seen the movie, the show has a very similar theme to it.  I felt like the show started off a little slow but quickly picked up. The quirky, off beat sense of humor we all loved in the movie is all over the place in the show and the twisting plot kept my attention.  I did feel like they were making fun of the Wisconsin accent a little to much. After the first half hour of the show I wasn't sure if I was actually going to like it, but by the end I couldn't wait for the next episode. In the end, in it's own round about, quirky way it had grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. I'm not sure if the series is going to be great, but after the first episode I'm going to be watching the second.

Borderlands 2 Prequel?!

That's right Borderlands fans, according to reports later this year we are supposed to get a Borderlands  2 prequel on last generation systems and PC. The rumor is that the game will take  place between Borderlands and Borderlands 2. You'll be able to choose between Athena the Gladiator, Wilhelm the Enforcer, Nisha the Lawbringer and Fragtrap who is supposed to be a combat version of Claptrap (could he be that slick ninja Claptrap we see at the end of Borderlands?) You maybe be saying those names sound kinda familiar, well they should. The four are Handsome Jack's lieutenants from the Borderlands 2. The game is supposed to be Jack as he starts making a name for himself looking for alien artifacts. Rumors for new weapons include a new Cryo weapon. I'm assuming that means freaking the enemy. Also a jetpack is going to be added to get around. The Borderlands 2 Prequel is being made by 2K Australia in conjunction with Gearbox. While we don't have a release date ye...

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review

I think I had more fun watching this movie than I have had watching a movie in a theater in a long time.  The two hour sequel just flew by, leaving me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Before I knew it a bag of a popcorn and my drink were gone, the movie was over and all I could think was I have to go see that again. Captain America: The Winter Soldier had everything, stunts, action, explosions, spies, humor, and good plot twist. They managed to take everything that a comic book does and put it all into a movie, giving the entire audience that feeling comic fans get after reading a really good comic. If you're going to go see a movie this weekend this is the one to see.

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls Review

The first expansion of Diablo 3, Reaper of Souls has finally been launched, yay! The expansion has added: Act V The new playable class Crusader increases the level cap up to 70 added new spells and abilities to the the already existing character classes. Adds Adventure Mode I've had a lot of fun so far, the crusader plays a lot like a mixture of the WoW paladin and the Diablo 2 paladin, adventure mode is fun to just hop into if you don't want to have to run threw the story mode of the game. Really though it's all the same as before. If you love Diablo 3 then hey the expansion is going to be a lot of fun go out pick up and have some fun. If you didn't like Diablo 3 to begin with then this isn't going to change your opinion.

Anti-Gaming Senator Arrested

Feel free to get a little bit.... ok a major laugh out of this. California state senator Leland Yee has been arrested. Senator Yee was arrested by an undercover FBI agent for doing favors in exchange for campaign contributions. The favor was to set up a meeting between the undercover agent and an arms dealer to discuss the types of weapons the undercover agent might need. Yee has been released on $500,000 bond and hasn't made any statements about the case yet. For gamers Yee is probably best known for a law passed in 2005 that stopped the retnal of violent games to minors. The law went the Supreme court in 2010 and was eventually struck-down. Later in 2013 Yee was quoted as saying: Gamers have got to just quiet down. Gamers have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry’s lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest. I don't know about you but it seems that the morality police o...

South Park: Stick of Truth Seceret of the Woods

So if you've been playing South Park: The Stick of Truth and you're looking for other things to do just because you don't want to put the game down, here are some little things to find in the woods. The woods actually remind me of the first Legend of Zelda game, they basically repeat themselves, you'll end up getting lost unless you know where you're going, and if you go in the right direction pattern you can end up in some neat places. The first place is easy enough, if you just keep heading up eventually you'll end up on the the Canadian border. You can't cross the border until later in the game after you've gotten the passport and had your photo taken. If you want out of the lost woods, it's not exactly complicated, just keep heading down and eventually you find yourself back at the cattle ranch. The second things to find are the woodland critters. If you haven't seen the episode "The Woodland Critter Christmas," go find it. ...

South Park: The Stick of Truth Review

I wasn't sure about the new South Park rpg. Not just that the games release date had been pushed back or that the company making the game actually went out of business and got picked up by a different one, but come on it's a South Park game.  It was ripe to have some poorly made piece of garbage made with nothing but the name South Park to carry it. Boy was I wrong. I am having more fun than I thought I ever could playing this game.  Everything in the game goes into making you feel like you are actually in an episode of the show and it does it while still giving you everything you want from a classic rpg. You get the chance to meet every character from the South Park series while explore the entire town of South Park, even being able to team up with a few of the kids. The Stick of Truth gives you not only the main quest, for the  stick of truth, but also loads you up with side quests given to you from people around the town. You get the chance in the very beginning...

The Good and the Bad

So what do you want first the good or the bad news? What's that the bad first, good choice. Witcher 3 has been pushed back until 2015. The good part of that is it was meant to come out at the end of this year and it only got pushed back until February. Lets just hope it stays there and doesn't get pushed back any further. Another little bit of new for the  World of Warcraft and Hearthstone players.  With the latest Hearthstone patch, after winning three matches you will earn a new achievement and unlock a new mount and achievement in World of Warcraft. It's not hard to do and you get a snazy new mount, what more could you ask for.

New Batman Game!

Oh that's right, Batman fans rejoice. Rocksteady Games has let loose with a new trailer to he next Batman game, Batman: Arkham Knight.  While we still aren't sure about what he game is completely about, it looks to be a very young Bruce Wayne dawning the cape and cowl this time around. What has me the most excited about the trailer though is  *spoilers* not that the warning is going to mean much, the batmobile. I've wanted a good game where I can tear through the streets of Gotham in that car for so long it hurts. Anyway we don't know the release date of the game but if you want to check out the trailer  here  is a link to it on

Final Borderlands 2 DLC

The day I've been dreading for oh so long has finally arrived.  That's right the final DLC for Borderlands 2 is on it's way. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed all the DLCs for Borderlands and think it's a shame that it's all coming to an end, but all great things do I guess. The name of the DLC is Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax.  It's set on an abandoned island resort, Hammerlock has been kidnapped and it's up to us to save him. It's set to be  released on April 15 for $2.99.  If you go back threw my blog you can see info on most of the past downloadable content. In a more positive note Borderlands 2 is headed to the Vita, but not until sometime this spring.

Batman Origins News

As much as we all hate it, we just have to accept that on launch all games comes with problems, Batman Origins is no exception.  But in this wonderful age of everything being connected to the net, and endless patching it's not as big of a problem. Sure you'll end up sitting around day after day downloading a new patch to fix yet another game killing bug, but at least the game works.  The only real problem is when the game makers decide they don't want to patch the game and that's what the makers of Batman Origins have done. Warner Brothers Games Montreal has recently said: "The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums,"  I don't know about you but I think I would rather have a game that works right than have more story that May or may not run right. I think this just goes to show yet another game company that cares ...

Bravely Default Review

The latest Square Enix JRPG, Bravely Default, has his the 3DS and I'm addicted. So far I'm having a blast. It has a large world to explore, something so many games are missing nowadays, I actually feel like I'm not on some set out path with only the illusion of the ability to explore. Also threw the game your characters gain new professions, all the ones from past Final Fantasy games that we've all grown to know and love letting us customize the characters abilities. Another great add to the game is how it gives you a chance to (re)build your own town, giving you access to better gear and skills. The biggest downfall of the game is the voice acting. It sounds like they are trying to hard and after awhile it gets on my nerves and takes away from the story. If you're looking for a good JRPG to eat up your  time for the 3DS this is one to pick up.

Loadout Review

The all multiplayer arena shooter Loadout was just recently released.  The game it's self reminds me of Team Fortress 2. It gives you different modes, everything from capture the hammer, basically capture the flag only with a giant hammer you can crush people with. It also has classics like team death match, and capture positions on the map. The best part of the game is the weapon customizing.  It lets you rip apart your guns and rebuild them giving them new barrels, changing the clip type, electricity shot, fire shot, and healing powers. You can change the gun from standard old bullets to a ray gun, rockets to a bunch of other things. It's worth checking it out just for that. Also to change up your weapon you don't have to spend real money, it's all done with in game currency, which is one of my favorite things.  The character you play is customizable as well, but take real money to change up. On launch the game has had some issues with a lot of crashing, and fin...

HearthStone goes Open Beta

That's right, if you're anything like me you sat around wait, hoping to get into the closed beta for the free to play, online, Blizzard card game, HearathStone. Well you didn't get in either but that's ok, HearthStone has finally reached open beta. For those that don't know what HearthStone is, it's a strategy card game that takes heroes, and characters from World of Warcraft and lets you duel them, along the same lines as something like Magic the Gathering. While the game is  free to play, you can spend real money to buy booster packs of digital cards to bolster you decks. Don't want to spend the money, same here! You do earn in-game money to buy booster packs by completing completing daily quests. If you like games like Magic, or you love WoW, this is worth checking out.

WoW WoD,pre-purchase news

In my last blog I told everybody about what it's going to be included in the pre-purchase of the new WoW expansion, Warlords of Draenor. Ahh but as always their has been a change.  Blizzard has released information that being able to booth a character to level 90 right after you pay for the expansion. According to the Blizzard post on facebook: "That's a little different from the plan we laid out at BlizzCon, but based on the feedback, it's obvious that many of you would like the chance to get acquainted with a new class before heading into the expansion. "This will also give more players the opportunity to experience the current end-game content and the events leading up to Garrosh's exodus to Draenor. Maybe you'll get your Legendary cloak from Wrathion and level 90-100 Heirloom weapon in the process."  Also insta-levelling will in the "near future" be able to be purchased, letting your buy your new character up to level 90. Bef...

WoW: Warlords Pre-Order bonus items

Blizzard has finally let out the new for what we will get with the pre-order to the next expansion to World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor. The bonus will include a pet, a mount and an instant level raise to 90.  You'll get the bonus with both the Digital Deluxe version or the Standard version of the expansion. People are still arguing if the instant raise to level 90 is a good idea or not. Blizzard is saying it will give people experience with a new toon at higher levels before they go straight into the new content without making them grind from level one. Other people argue that players will jump to higher levels with a class they don't understand making it near impossible to run instances, after all how do you tank a level 90 instance if you've only just barely played your character. The closed beta is supposed to start "soon," so if you can't wait for the official release make sure to sign up now.

Trojan beats Warcraft Authenticators, eek!

That's right those people that have gone out of their way to hack World of Warcraft account are back at it.  They have made a  Trojan virus that will actually bypass authenticators by in real time stealing your account information and authenticator details that you've entered. The Trojan is actually built into a fake but version of the Curse Client that is downloaded from a fake version of the Curse website. The fake website is showing up threw searches of major search engines when looking up the phrase "curse client." More information can be found at the site, here .